Here below is a note of appreciation one happy client sent in to The South Whidbey Record, which is South Whidbey Island's main newspaper. It was widely received with cheers and further appreciation by other appreciative clients. Read on:
Last fall, while spending the weekend at our house on Whidbey Island, I lost a diamond earring. An anniversary gift from my husband, it was precious to me, and my family and I spent hours on our hands and knees, searching with flashlights every spot it possibly could have fallen. An earring which sparkles brightly when worn is impossibly small on the ground, and at the end of the weekend I went sadly home without it. Though my husband replaced the earring at Christmas, when on Whidbey I continued to keep an eye out for a tiny twinkle emanating from our rugs, or a sparkle from a corner.
Then, at the end of June, I arrived at the house to find a note in our kitchen, left by Anne LeDuc and her “About the House” cleaning team. Taped to the paper was my lost earring, and the note claimed that it had been found under the washing machine! After my initial jubilation had somewhat subsided, I considered the text of the note. Under the washing machine? Who cleans UNDER a washing machine??
“About the House” regularly cleans our large, extended family home in the summer, as well as more sporadically during the winter. From June through August, they cheerfully enter a house chaotic with kids, dogs and vacationing adults,and somehow make everything shine despite cleaning in the midst of only slightly reduced family activity. Knowing the caliber of their work, I’m grateful, but not surprised, that they are so thorough as to go underneath large appliances. However, their demonstration of honesty, integrity, and sincere pleasure at being able to return to me something of such monetary and sentimental value is something I will never forget.
My mother (who owns a house down the beach from ours) and I regularly sing praises of “About the House” for their spectacular job in both of our homes. I have always felt comfortable having them in our home to clean, whether or not we were present. Now, however, I know that the professional pride in their work extends to careful stewardship of everything within the house. I feel so fortunate to be able to have Anne and her team “about our house” when I need them. I hope I will have that pleasure and peace of mind for many years to come!
With deep thanks and affection to Anne et all,
Kathy Reitinger
Greenbank, WA
The above was published in the South Whidbey Record, Letter to the Editor, on Wednesday the 09/29/2010.
Clients and friends then commented; Notably this note from Ms Frances Smith, of Langley:
Dear Anne,
Thanks for the wonderful service this summer. I read about the return of the diamond earring in the Letter to the Editor and should have written one myself. I thought i lost a hoop earring one morning when my grandkids were here. It was missing while we were out walking and I was quite upset. When I returned to the house, there it was on the counter. The girls were already gone. So please tell the girls thank you for me.
Please send me a bill. I think I owe for two weeks. Have a good winter. We are leaving this Saturday. Take care and again, thank all who have worked here. They do a great job. Sincerely, Fran Smith
F&B S.
Langley, WA
Wow, Anne, what a terrific letter and what a tribute to you and your staff. I don’t know how I missed it since I read the papers diligently. Thanks for passing this along. ...Don’t blush. Pat yourself on the back for running such a top-notch business. Although Deb is the only person on your team I’ve worked with, she has always been professional and has always left me with the feeling that she’s completely trustworthy. Kudos to you!
Freeland, WA
'Loved the article in the paper. So proud of you and your crew is amazing. This week i was in awe as to how sweetly and neatly everthing was done. I was sick in the den, but when I went out in the other rooms it all looked so nice. I have to leave the wee tip in a better place as they never take it. Thanks for being you love,
Greenbank, WA
Very nice article about your company, and well deserved.
Freeland, WA
Hi, Anne -
Thank you so much for your kindness and attention to our friend. He is a dear, sweet man who lots of us care for. I'll be in touch about the gift card.
Bill and I were so happy to see the Letter to the Editor in the Whidbey Record that lauded "About the House." Truly deserved!!
All the best!
Clinton WA
Just read about you all finding a diamond under a washer Way to go!!
Really nice that your friend shared about it with the Record. Lovely
Freeland WA
Harvey and I LOVED reading this nice piece in the paper. We think you & Debra & crew are terrific.
Clinton WA
Hi Anne,
That was quite an editorial letter. You can't buy that kind of advertisment! Congratulations! Thanks for the Good Work,
Greenbank, WA
Congratulations on the letter in The Record!!
Freeland, WA
Congratulations on such a lovely testimonial in The Record!
Langley, WA
Great Support for What You Do!
Langley, WA
Very Good! You guys really deserve it!
Clinton WA
'Loved that piece. And you Do have a Great Team!
Langley WA
Very happy to read the article. I always enjoy knowing you, such a lovely and sweet person, and hard working (good too). Now I know I am not the only person who thinks so!! Congratulations to you to be recognized! Thank you again to give me a relaxed and enjoyable summer. I'll call you again.
Clinton WA
Hi Anne!
Congrats on letter to editor. Well deserved!
Clinton WA
Hello Ann
Thank you - and Congratulations!! You (all) completely deserve it.
Clinton WA
Those are my sentiments exactly: You are much appreciated!
Freeland WA
Congratulations on the article Way to Go Anne!
Langley WA
Thank you for forwarding the article!
Wow! We couldn't agree more!
Clinton WA
That letter in the paper was fabulous! I am so happy that everyone can read how amazing you and your team are!
Langley WA
...And Congrats on the letter in the paper: Well deserved!
Clinton WA
Dear Ann,
Thank You. I am very happy with Debra. She is thorough and always pleasant.
Freeland WA
and this, from a First Time Customer:
"What a Great experience! Your staff person was great! I appreciate your great service!"
-N.J., Clinton WA